Graduation Application

Student Information

Contact Information

Home Address

Degree/Certificate Information

Graduation Honors are based upon overall college level grade point average (GPA) of degree seeking students. The College Level Grade Point Average is located in the What If Academic Advisement Report under the Minimum Graduation Requirement section in any What If Academic Advisement Report. Note: College level GPA is different than Cumulative GPA located on the unofficial transcript.
  • High Honors will be awarded to 3.75 - 3.89 GPA and receive a Silver Cord.
  • Highest Honors will be awarded to 3.9 - 4.0 GPA and receive a White Cord.

Ceremony Information

Do you plan to participate in the Commencement Ceremony in June?
Disability Accommodations for Graduate
(estimate info only, no need to update if number changes)
Disability Guest Seating request?
Due to limited seating, we can accommodate 2 companions of the guest requiring seating in the Disability Seating Area.
I grant SPSCC permission to share my information with the SPSCC Foundation office to connect as an alumnus of SPSCC.