International Student Host Family Application

Personal Info

Contact Info

Family Environment

Do you have children?
List names and birth dates of your children
Do you have other occupants?
Enter names and birthdates of other occupants
Briefly describe your home (number of bedrooms, bathrooms, social areas, levels, etc.)
Please describe the room where the student will sleep, location in the home, size, and furnishings.
Please list bus routes from home to SPSCC.
Please upload two photos of your home. Include one of the front of your home.
Maximum 2 files.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
Do you have Internet?
Do you have pets?
Please select your family's dietary practices.
Do you attend church?
Please describe the type of church and how often you attend.
Do you travel internationally?
Please list where you have traveled.
Please list any household interests or hobbies that you would share with a student.


Please select one.
Each student is required to have their own private room.
Hosting Type

Please select your preferred hosting type(s) and term.

Please give details.
Are you registered with another home stay program? If registered with another home stay program, I agree to inform SPSCC International Student Services of the presence, gender, age and country-of-origin of any international student I will have in my home during the period under consideration for the placement of a student for SPSCC.
Please summarize why your family would like to host an international student.
Please list two references (non-relatives) with contact information.

Host Family Rules

Please explain to the student your household rules and personal expectations. It is very important that your student be treated as a member of your family.
Family Meals

Do you allow smoking in or near the home?

Please provide any additional comments or information that you would like us to have.


Applicants and their families understand and acknowledge by their signatures that SPSCC maintains jurisdiction over all aspects of the International Student Program. In the event of any problem between the student and the host family, SPSCC will work to resolve the differences. However, we reserve the right to remove the student at any time deemed necessary. SPSCC does guarantee placement. I further understand that SPSCC will perform a background check on all household members over the age of 18. I agree and accept the Home Stay Provider Agreement below.
The Home Stay Provider agrees to: Provide breakfast and lunch foods for the student 7 days a week and invite the student to join them for 5 dinners per week that the Home Stay Provider prepares. Commit to a one quarter commitment for hosting any student. Give 30 day written-notice to both the student and the SPSCC Housing Coordinator if for some reason they can no longer host their student. Provide each student with a private room, bed, desk, dresser and/or closet, and Internet. Not offer the student household work in exchange for money or rent reduction. Provide students with their own copy of house keys. Notify the Housing Coordinator if no longer able to be a Home Stay Provider for SPSCC students. Participate in the Home Stay Provider Orientation and other occasional related SPSCC activities.